GROW THE LARGest gourmet TOMATOES IN Missouri

USE The Best Fertilizer for Tomatoes AND EXPERIENCE professional-grade results from EVERY CROP

"This is science fiction......Amazon."

Read what our customers have been kind enough to say about our products.

“Okay…I’m convinced. I used a quart of Texas Tomato Food in early August, and applied more last week from an additional gallon of TTF. I observed spurts in new growth, blossoming, and fruit production even at this late stage in the sea son (New Hampshire ).”

“It has been less than a week since I gave my fall plants a boost with TTF and I’m already seeing increases in fruit set and blossoming”

Our Results

OUR Product

Texas Tomato Food fertilizer

Texas Tomato Food 4.0-2.5-6.0

Texas Tomato Food™ is our specialized big-vegetable nutrient. If your focus is tomatoes, melons, squash, cucumbers, beans, peppers, eggplant, and other hungry vegetables, use Texas Tomato Food.

Our customers in Missouri can testify to the awesome results achieved with Texas Tomato Food.

Our History

The Urban Farm Fertilizer Company is located in Bay City, Texas. We are dedicated to the pursuit of perfection in creating the finest, most effective fertilizers for vegetables, flowers, citrus, trees, lawns, and the new medicinal market. Our customers include professional greenhouse growers, commercial applicators, and regular backyard soil and container gardeners.


The solution to your next successful harvest in
Missouri is Texas Tomato Food™